
Asian Barbie Doll

Thursday, May 07, 2015

#TBT to the days I was rocking this barbie doll hair. 

Photographed by James Chrosniak  //  Pike Place Market

Hi LOVEs! 
Happy Thursday! One more day till the weekend, but I feel like "Wow, it's already?!?!" :)
Thursday means #tbt, right guys? James and I did some unplanned night shoot with a flash light on the day we shot this outfit at Pike Place Market a while ago. Although we were just playing to take snaps, I am actually so stocked with the results. I edited the pictures adding a film filter to make them look as if taken by a film camera. What do ya think?

If you follow me on social media, you know what my current hair looks like. It's a kind of gray (I seriously don't know what to call this color) and I just can't get over it. But in general I naturally end up loving whatever color I go for, even the colors that fade out later on. When you keep constantly changing your hair color, you sometimes don't remember what your last hair color was. So, that happened to me and I totally forgot that I was a blondie after my old silver hair was decolorized until I accidentally found this set a few days ago. I used to dream of having a blond hair when I was a teenager. So funny I really didn't think I would rock the color during my late 20s. I guess I wasn't courageous enough to go wild?
I've booked a hair appointment next week and couldn't be more excited to meet new myself with a fresh colored hair! Make sure to follow along via Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or Snapchat (@fashionsitaika) to see what color I am going to sport next!

Have a wonderful day, cutie pies!    


Thank you for reading!!!!

☆ ♥ ☆ ♥ ☆ ♥ ☆ ♥ - STAY FASHiONABLE, STAY UNiQUE - ♥ ☆ ♥ ☆ ♥ ☆ ♥ ☆

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3 fashionable comments

  1. you look amazing dear:)


  2. Hahaha, I'm all for changing hair! Don't know why other girls chicken out about it! I'm super excited to see the new color! I love colorful hair *_* Thinking of making mine pink again!
    Love the photos, they turned out amazing, the atmosphere is just like from a magazine!


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