
Discover Yourself

Friday, January 30, 2015

Photographed by Mike Diep // Discovery Park

TOP: c/o Now I Style turtleneck, H&M shirt  //  COAT: From Japan (similar here)   //  SKIRT: H&M (old, similar here) //  HAT: Forever 21 (old, similar here)  //  BOOTS: Steve Madden (old, adore these & these)  //  SHADES: Celine  //  JEWERLY: c/o Charlotte Russe necklace, Crossroads Trading earrings


Hi Loves!!
Recently, I was featured on Lookbook.nu's Instagram & Twitter. To me, this was a really big deal and it made my heartbeat so fast!!  You see, being featured by them was one of my goals for 2015. I never imagined I could check it off my list so fast. Being recognized by such an influential fashion platform is so terrifying (in a good way, of course)! Thank you so much again, Lookbook team, for featuring me and making my week!

Over time I've been blessed with so many fans and followers who make me so happy with the comment, "I LOVE YOUR STYLE!" Those 4 words really mean the world to me. After all, I've had times when I doubted myself and wondered if my style was innovative enough or not.  I strive to keep my style diverse, versatile, and unique, and it is influenced by both American and Japanese culture. So I know it's totally different from most of bloggers out there. Being unique is tough, sometimes. It has caused me to struggle on occasion. Even though I may have defined my brand through my style, I am constantly rediscovering and  rethinking, and wondering if I should reinvent my style... 

But the answer is always: No.
You should never compromise who you are. When you believe in your goals and have a strong will, then go for it. Even though it may seem out of reach or your may get down about your apparent lack of progress sometimes, you just need to be patient. SUPER PATIENT. I know it may take all of your energy and effort to keep going. Still, as long as YOU believe that you can make it happen, it WILL happen! That's what I have been doing for the last few years when I re-started my blog in 2013. And this recognition proves that it works and was worth the effort.  Being featured (as well as all the warm and kind comments from the fans) really strengthened my conviction that what I've been doing was right.
Fashion is my own 'unique' way to express who I am. If I doubt my style, it means I doubt myself, too. I hope to keep growing in recognition of my defined style and I hope to encounter more fans who adore "who I am."

I forgot to mention that this is the second set of pics from when I worked with Mike. You can check out the 1st one here. I love how I layered up in a turtleneck top and buttoned down shirt underneath paired with a skirt! Discovering a new way to style oldies is so practical and always fun!    

I am moving into a new place tomorrow, so this weekend will be a full of unpacking and placing my tons of stuff! But the good news is... I'll have a BIGGER closet, BIGGER room, and MUCH MORE sunlight! Can't wait!
Have fun on Sunday everyone! Go hawks!


Thank you for reading!!!!

☆ ♥ ☆ ♥ ☆ ♥ ☆ ♥ - STAY FASHiONABLE, STAY UNiQUE - ♥ ☆ ♥ ☆ ♥ ☆ ♥ ☆

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6 fashionable comments

  1. I love these photos! And your outfit <3


  2. Super super cute look, and I do love your style. I think reinvention comes over time and kind of naturally if it does happen. If you force it you tend to get a style that isn't really you. I always have doubts but that's generally me worrying about what other people think of me rather than what I think which is completely wrong! Love this post <3

    The Quirky Queer

    1. I appreciate you sharing some of your ideas related to this post! Glad to know that I am not the only one who has been thought about it! Thanks a lot!!!! xoxo


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