
Menswear-inspired Jacket + Oxblood Tights

Friday, November 16, 2012

JACKET: BB DAKOTA, thrifted at Buffalo Exchange  |  BLACK CUTOUT CROPPED TOP: ASOS  |  WHITE HIGH-WAISTED SHORT: Japan  | OXBLOOD TIGHTS: Japan  |  LACE-UP BOOTS: Steve Madden  |  BAG: NILA ANOTHONY, thrifted  |  ZEBRA SCARF & PEACOCK BROACH: F21  |  SUNNIES: Buffalo Exchange  |  WATCH: ALDO  

Things have been really tough and hectic lately... even though November is my birthday month. I was completely discouraged from doing everything and I've completely neglected my blog...
 I sincerely apologize for those who take the time to read my blog.


Winter is finally here. The weather in Seattle is crazily getting colder day by day, yet I looked foward to fall/winter because I love layering up, wearing knits, boots, huts and lovely tights and so on... :)

I completely in love with this over-sized jacket I found at Buffalo Exchange a few weeks ago. Every time I swung by there, it always caught my eyes, but I always gave up on purchasing it although I was totally lovin' it. However, I was very luck to get it when it was marked down because it was 50% off!!! There wasn't any reason to buy it except the price, so I was so pleased it's mine now!!!!

People tend to wear darker clothes during winter. I am actually one of them. I know you can still look chic and fabulous with all black outfits. 
Nonetheless, I mostly attempt to add up some colored accessories to avoid wearing blacks. That's why as you can see, for this look I added the oxblood tights and mixed with the blue eye-catchy bag!! 

♥ ☆ ♥ ☆  ♥ ☆  ♥ ☆ ♥   STAY FASHIONABLE!!!! ♥ ☆ ♥ ☆ ♥ ☆  ♥ ☆  ♥ 

Thank you for reading!!!!


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2 fashionable comments

  1. Thanks Terry for your comment all the time and for being fun of my fashion. I will def check your blog out when I have a time! :)

    Hope your day treated you well!


  2. awwww you just made my day!!!!! Thanks for such a lovely comment, I don't have many of the followers right now but I am glad one like you follow me now because it means a lot to me!

    I really appreciate what you said about my writing since I put a lot of effort on that because English isn't my first language and I am still learning it!

    I've followed you via bloglovin' ;)


    AikA <3



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Your comments always make me happy and even make my day so lovely!!!



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