
Striped Shirt ~What Goes With Stripes~

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

STRIPE SHIRT: Forever 21 (Similar HERE)
SKIRT & BELT: Thrifted
OPEN TOE BOOTIES: Qupid via Lulu's.com
SUNNIES: Urban Outfitters (UO Sunnies HERE)
HEADBAND: American Apparel


I'd always wanted to own a striped item; they are very in vogue and great items to make a look stylish and bold. However, I hadn't been able to find any that really caught my eyes. So when I ran into this perfect and very fun (because of its design) striped shirt from Forever 21, I fell in love with it in a second and purchased it right away without looking at the price and trying it on, which was totally rare for me! It's super eye-catchy, trendy, and versatile! I love it so much!
One of the amazing things about styling is that I can create totally different looks and bring out contrasting feelings from the same garment. I just have to change clothes, hairstyle, accessories, or whatever. That's what I love about styling at the most!  So, I decided to make three completely different outfits using one of the hottest trends this summer: STRIPES, and I believe this shirt could be an excellent item for that!!!
For my first striped shirt look, I wanted to achieve a cute, girly look, so I could go shopping with my girl friends, then go out for dinner at my boyfriend afterwords.
 I paired it with some feminine elements, such as the headband and skirt, to create a lovely look. To finalize this look, I accented it with a fresh, yellow colored bag to express the vibe of summer.

Hope you like/love my first look of striped shirt! Stay tuned for the next two looks!


♥ ☆ ♥ ☆  ♥ ☆  ♥ ☆ ♥   STAY  FASHIONABLE, STAY UNIQUE  ♥ ☆ ♥ ☆ ♥ ☆  ♥ ☆  ♥ 

Thank you for reading!!!!


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